Pastoral Care, in the context of a Catholic school, is modelled on the person of Jesus Christ, who recognised the dignity and uniqueness of each person and who, in his humanity, called people to the fullness of life.

St Clare’s aspires to achieve this fullness of living for each community member through the many dimensions of Pastoral Care. These dimensions reflect the individual and communal nature of Pastoral Care and acknowledge spirituality as its very essence.

Pastoral Care is:

  • embodied in our commitment to justice and our preparedness to speak the truth
  • reflected in our willingness to be loving, forgiving, and reconciling
  • revealed in our desire to be of service to one another
  • reflected in enabling each individual to find inner harmony and meaning in life.

Hence, Pastoral Care should be an expression of the reality of God’s love in our school as revealed in our commitment to building and maintaining right relationships.

Right relationships are:

  • fundamental to effective learning and teaching and genuine Pastoral Care for all members of the community
  • those that reflect the Gospel values of justice, truth, peace, forgiveness, love, reconciliation, and service to one another
  • those that honour and respect individual freedom, rights, and responsibilities of all members of the community
  • an expression of our love of God in all creation.